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picture1_Report Pdf 119303 | 14c447

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File: Report Pdf 119303 | 14c447
dr  aaron t  beck and other colleagues  is a 21  ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Beck anxiety inventory wikipedia the free encyclopedia from bai created by dr aaron t and other colleagues is a question multiple choice self report that used for measuring severity of an individual s contents two factor approach to clinical use limitations see also references consists twenty one questions about how subject has been feeling in last week expressed as common symptoms such numbness tingling sweating not due heat fear worst happening it designed age range years old each same set four possible answer choices which are arranged columns answered marking appropriate with cross these at all points mildly did bother me much point moderately was very unpleasant but i could stand severely barely maximum score minimal level mild moderate severe note women disorders tend higher than men though can be thought having several components including cognitive somatic affective behavioral et al included only original proposal subscale provides measure fearful thoughts impaired functioning ...

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