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picture1_Study Pdf 119285 | 2 18kp3belb3 2020101608341246

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File: Study Pdf 119285 | 2 18kp3belb3 2020101608341246
semester course hours credit sub code marks internal external total iii mbe 3 6 4 18kp3belb3 25 75 100 pharmacognosy unit i introduction history definition and scope of pharmacognosy traditional ...

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...Semester course hours credit sub code marks internal external total iii mbe kpbelb pharmacognosy unit i introduction history definition and scope of traditional alternative system medicine ayurvedha unani homeopathic siddha acupuncture yoga collection processing herbal drug prepared by dr r sagaya giri assistant professor in botany k n government arts college for women autonomous thanjavur iv v latha is systematic study these crude drugs obtained from natural origin like plant animal minerals can be defined as branch science which involves detail including name habitat cultivation macroscopy microscopy physical properties chemical constituents therapeutic actions uses adulterants the word derived two words pharmakon means gignosco to acquire knowledge something prof john schimidt coined term his book lehrbuch der materiamedica earlier subject was known it includes nature distribution preservation also structural characters safe short plants animals terrestrial well marine development o...

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