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picture1_Economic Planning Pdf 119069 | 12businessstudiesem

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File: Economic Planning Pdf 119069 | 12businessstudiesem
business studies syllabus code no 054 class xii 2021 22 term wise units term1 mcq based question paper marks theory 40marks duration 90minutes part a principles and functions of management ...

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...Business studies syllabus code no class xii term wise units mcq based question paper marks theory duration minutes part a principles and functions of management nature significance environment planning organising total b finance marketing project work unit concept objectives importance as science art profession levels organizing staffing directing controlling coordination fayol s taylor scientific techniques dimensions economic social technological political legal limitation process structure organisation functional divisional delegation elements decentralization philosophies product prize standard mix branding labelling packaging price factors determining physical distribution promotion advertising personal selling sales public relations subjective hrs financial markets consumer protection recruitment selection training development methods on the job off vestibule apprenticeship internship motivation maslow hierarchy needs non incentives leadership styles authoritative democratic lais...

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