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picture1_Mpsc Notes 118852 | Mpsc Communique Jan Oct17

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File: Mpsc Notes 118852 | Mpsc Communique Jan Oct17
notes from mpsc for the period january 2017 october 2017 notes from the chair mpsc13 mpsc high priority work items the marine pest sectoral committee mpsc held in the first ...

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...Notes from mpsc for the period january october chair high priority work items marine pest sectoral committee held in first half of progressed its thirteenth partner s workshop and following meeting canberra on june national strategic plan as i extend my thanks to members biosecurity marinepestplan observers partners stakeholders all who strategy task group participated met february consider comments submitted by provided an opportunity industry representatives discuss part development contribute which has consulted with a been developed wide range also facilitated two way dialogue at was topics including biofouling further discussed providing network valuable input australian government recent ratification international convention control management ship ballast water review sediments endorsed saw progression activities endorsement more information surveillance can be found link formation www agriculture gov au pests diseases lead this weeds would like offer best wishes have resigned t...

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