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picture1_General Knowledge Pdf 118830 | Syllabusrectadvtno2 2015

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File: General Knowledge Pdf 118830 | Syllabusrectadvtno2 2015
syllabus the syllabus shall include questions on general knowledge general intelligence general aptitude english etc and questions on professional subject knowledge as given below 1 deputy company secretary 1 company ...

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...Syllabus the shall include questions on general knowledge intelligence aptitude english etc and professional subject as given below deputy company secretary law secretarial practice corporate governance contract act drafting manager commercial i public premises eviction of unauthorized occupants ii aai no amended by rules regulations chapter va airport iii indian iv arbitration conciliation v labour abolition vi minimum wages vii payment viii land acquisition ix negotiable instruments to x foreign money exchange xi weights measurement xii food safety other aspects principles procedures for fixations space rent fixation landing parking usage charges passengers service fee user development scope techniques enhancing traffic revenue at airports basics marketing need want demand value users customer satisfaction orientation environment analyzing needs trends concepts market potential share organization social responsibility management new product price determination concept role in adverti...

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