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picture1_Study Pdf 118562 | S Ipse 1505040 Title

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File: Study Pdf 118562 | S Ipse 1505040 Title
the effect of blended learning on students concept mastery and motivation in learning solar system research paper submitted as requirement to obtain degree of sarjana pendidikan in international program on ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...The effect of blended learning on students concept mastery and motivation in solar system research paper submitted as requirement to obtain degree sarjana pendidikan international program science education ipse study arranged by vania zhafirah faculty mathematics universitas indonesia august copyright reserved this thesis may not be reproduced whole or part reprinted copied any other means without permission author i approval sheet approved authorized supervisor agus fany chandra s pd m nip ii nanang winarno si perceive head dr eka cahya prima t vaniazhafirah gmail com abstract revolution industry is really related technology which internet cloud computing create different opportunities challenges for formal systems advance technonolgy now days always improving its also happen educational should easy access everyone everytime everywhere teaching process some school are still teacher centered teachers have make become one alternative approach using purpose investigate th grade method us...

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