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picture1_Study Pdf 118396 | Syllabus1

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File: Study Pdf 118396 | Syllabus1
k tet 2012 syllabus category i kerala teacher eligibility test k tet 2012 syllabus government of kerala department of education state council of educational research and training scert kerala august ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...K tet syllabus category i kerala teacher eligibility test government of department education state council educational research and training scert august paper for classes to v child development pedagogy questions learning methods studying behaviour observation case study interview psychological tests etc concept principles growth influence heredity environment on human basic theories conditioning pavlov skinner insight gestalt cognitive piaget bruner vygotsky relation between learner readiness maturation kohlberg constructs critical perspectives centered progressive activity based method teaching problem construct intelligence spearman guilford thurstone gardner language thought chomsky gender as a social roles bias practice individual differences among learners understanding diversity caste community religion distinction assessment school internal continuous comprehensive evaluation assessing achievement grading personality approaches psychoanalytic trait adjustment mechanisms concep...

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