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picture1_Study Pdf 118181 | 11 Eco Notes Ch1 Intro Economics

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File: Study Pdf 118181 | 11 Eco Notes Ch1 Intro Economics
cbse class 11 economics revision notes ecomomics 01 introduction to micro economics 1 study of economics is divided into two branches a micro economics b macro economics 2 micro economics ...

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...Cbse class economics revision notes ecomomics introduction to micro study of is divided into two branches a b macro studies the behaviour individual economic units ex consumer equilibrium producers product pricing factor etc also called price theory behavior economy as whole national income aggregate demand supply general level inflation and employment system in which people earn living sastisfy their wants through process production consumption investment exchange problem choice arising from use limited means have alternative for satisfaction various cause problems are unlimited human resources c uses central an what produce refers goods services will be produced quantities has those where there maximum social utility this under material downloaded mycbseguide com how technique i e labour intensive or capital should used select that maximizes output at minimum cost whom related distribution wealth among factors form rent wages interest profit explained selection opportunity sacrifice ...

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