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File: Biolv3
class xii chapter 3 human reproduction biology fill in the blanks humans reproduce asexually sexually humans are oviparous viviparous ovoviviparous fertilization is in humans external internal male and female gametes ...

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...Class xii chapter human reproduction biology fill in the blanks humans reproduce asexually sexually are oviparous viviparous ovoviviparous fertilization is external internal male and female gametes diploid haploid zygote process of release ovum from a mature follicle called ovulation induced by hormone fusion takes place divides to form which implanted uterus structure provides vascular connection between fetus answer draw labeled diagram reproductive system write two major functions each testis ovary they produce spermatozoa spermatogenesis leydig cells seminiferous tubules secrete sex testosterone aids development secondary characteristics males ova oogenesis growing graffian follicles estrogen females describe tubule production sperms testes highly coiled these located testicular lobules lined germinal epithelium it on its inner side types namely spermatogonia sertoli respectively germ primary spermatocytes meiotic divisions undergo further division finally spermatids later metamorp...

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