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picture1_Microeconomics Notes 118071 | Microeconomics Lecture Notes Eebl 2

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File: Microeconomics Notes 118071 | Microeconomics Lecture Notes Eebl 2
microeconomics review course lecturenotes lorenzo ferrari lorenzo ferrari uniroma2 it disclaimer these notes are for exclusive use of the students of the microeconomics review course m sc in european economy ...

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...Microeconomics review course lecturenotes lorenzo ferrari uniroma it disclaimer these notes are for exclusive use of the students m sc in european economy and business law university rome tor vergata their aim is purely instructional they not circulation information expected audience interested starting a master s economics partic ular enrolled preliminary requirements no background needed final exam none schedule mosept tue sept we oce hours by appointment outline consumer theory budget constraint preferences utility optimal choice demand production set function short run long market structure supply curve comparative statics monopoly references main reference varian h r intermediate modern approach th edition ww norton company introduction branch dealing with rational economic agents individual must choose what goods how much them to consume given her income rm decides quantity output be produced price inputs or where competes other rms microeconomic theories look particular deal con...

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