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picture1_International Trauma Questionnaire Pdf 117893 | Complex Ptsd Trauma Itq Scoring

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File: International Trauma Questionnaire Pdf 117893 | Complex Ptsd Trauma Itq Scoring
novopsych client information client name test 1234 date of birth age 28 january 2000 21 assessment information assessment international trauma questionnaire itq date administered 12 october 2021 assessor dr ben ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Novopsych client information name test date of birth age january assessment international trauma questionnaire itq administered october assessor dr ben buchanan time taken minutes seconds results raw score scaled to ptsd total re experiencing avoidance sense current threat functional impairment disturbances in self organization affective dysregulation negative concept relationships dso interpretive text this individual s responses do not meet the threshold for diagnosis or cptsd dimensions copyright pty ltd page relationshipsfunctional scoring and interpretation there are two components categorical a dimensional component which measures symptom severity is indicated based on following criteria question more if met complex ore organisation diagnosed scores from presented major cont subscale post traumatic stress disorder sum items addition four factors under each note that count towards totals subscales as between calculated by dividing maximum possible times useful comparison clusters ...

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