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picture1_General Science Pdf 117732 | Political Science Ir Iasbaba Tlp 2017

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File: General Science Pdf 117732 | Political Science Ir Iasbaba Tlp 2017
political science international relations tlp phase ii schedule a brief gist of the plan daily 3 6 questions will be posted depending on breadth and weightage of topic as you ...

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...Political science international relations tlp phase ii schedule a brief gist of the plan daily questions will be posted depending on breadth and weightage topic as you may aware there are total sections in psir optional divided over papers after completion each section mini mock covering syllabus entire i e mocks week being covered per day is very less mostly single so that undue pressure not created aspirants since they have general studies to cover well also previous years upsc question tests from various coaching institutes do look anywhere else synopsis however peer discussion encouraged any changes if necessary informed advance sources referred left upto good judgement advised use standard books such andrew heywood series op gauba rajeev bhargava m laxmikanth bl fadia vl khanna david malone etc supplement them with wikipedia quora answers government committee reports arc sarkaria punchhi newspaper magazine articles hindu indian express economic weekly google by reputed columnists ...

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