File: Make Invoices Microsoft Word 10531 | 2018flufighterstoolkit | Flyer Template Word
workwell nyc free flu vaccination campaign 2018 flu fighters toolkit th welcome to workwell nyc s 5 annual free flu shot campaign for nyc employees thank you for being a ...
Filetype Word DOCX | Posted on 01 Jul 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Workwell nyc free flu vaccination campaign fighters toolkit th welcome to s annual shot for employees thank you being a fighter and helping us keep our workforce healthy we are counting on set up worksite clinics spread the word your colleagues about many ways get shots this document contains critical information role step by instructions setting there also materials resources help along way wants make successful please don t hesitate contact with any questions afia bediako program coordinator mayor office of labor relations olr gov overview using clinic returning new worksites challenge started go gold awards frequently asked event logistics form flyer templates poster general promotional email template initial announcement reminder week day during page influenza is highly contagious virus that spreads easily especially in workplace while anyone can sick from it be most dangerous young children people over years age those chronic health conditions such as heart disease diabetes asthma...