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picture1_Economics Pdf 117630 | 309 Economics

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File: Economics Pdf 117630 | 309 Economics
economics business economics 309 economics business economics 309 syllabus for class 12 1 economics business economics 309 note there will be one question paper which will have 50 questions out ...

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...Economics business syllabus for class note there will be one question paper which have questions out of need to attempted unit i introduction microeconomics what is central problems ii consumer behaviour and demand s equilibrium meaning attainment through utility approach two commodity cases market determinants schedule curve movement along shifts in the price elasticity measurement percentage total expenditure geometric methods introductory macroeconomics iii national income related aggregates basic concepts circular flow gdp gnp ndp nnp at factor cost value added method iv determination employment aggregate supply their components propensity consume save average marginal involuntary unemployment full sector model concept investment multiplier its working excess deficient measures correct availability credit change government spending v money banking evolution functions bank commercial banks vi budget economy objectives classification receipts revenue capital plan non developmental ba...

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