Media Contact: Bolt Public Relations (214) 238-8045 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE North Texas Therapist and Survivor Reveals Six Stages of Healing to Help Psychological Abuse Survivors Internationally “Healing from Hidden Abuse,” A Book by Shannon Thomas, Delivers Roadmap to Recovery for Victims and Survivors DALLAS – Feb. 21, 2017 – In her first self-published book, “Healing from Hidden Abuse,” Shannon Thomas narrates the raw and emotional journey that psychological abuse victims face. The 255-page book provides readers with a roadmap to recovery, including her Six Stages of Healing, which helps those suffering to wake up ...
UNDERSTANDING “WHAT IS PRIMARY ABUSE?” IS THE FIRST STEP TO HEALING. COVERT ABUSE Hidden Primary Abuse Blaming and reverse blaming: In blaming, issues are always one sided Covert Primary Abuse is considered one of the most destructive with the problem being laid at the victim’s feet. “This is your fault” is a common phrase. If there is a persistent pattern of blaming, domestic forms of abuse, second only to life-threatening battery. The violence is present. In reverse blaming, the perpetrator converts the reason this is so is because it significantly harms one’s concerns or corrections ...
Praise for Healing from Hidden Abuse “Compassionate and well-researched, a must read for anyone healing from psychological abuse. The warm, conversational writing style and the author’s professional experience combine to make the perfect recovery resource.” Jackson MacKenzie, author of Psychopath Free and co- founder of, an online support community that reaches millions of abuse survivors each month. “Shannon Thomas has written an important book about something ugly, hidden, and difficult to describe. Psychological abuse. How is it possible that one person can gain so much power to destroy another person’s sense of worth ...