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picture1_Journey Of The Magi Pdf 117356 | Year 12 English Advanced Seliot Module B Final

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File: Journey Of The Magi Pdf 117356 | Year 12 English Advanced Seliot Module B Final
the poems journey of the magi 1927 and the hollow men 1925 written by t s eliot are reflective of the enduring power of the poetic form due to their ...

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...The poems journey of magi and hollow men written by t s eliot are reflective enduring power poetic form due to their use intellectual artistic qualities which create ideas destruction religion morals in society poetry is poignant its comment on through utilising universal themes critical engagement a high level textual integrity this enables these works be relevant today nearly years later specifically two designated effectively both heightens nature poem uses theme increases work main christianity particular has endured millennia includes allusions biblical stories as can readily understood audiences they increase however within context loss religious values becomes apparent wrote following wwi where spirituality was overlooked barbarity war thus demonstrates despair for state yearning regain connection it itself alludes story three wise first five lines an allusion nativity sermon lancelot andrews from last line very dead winter choice include specific contributes overall despairing ...

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