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...Unit focus the human body text narrative l stage journey to centre of your a lot can happen in couple minutes trust me i ve just had most intense few ever don t get wrong m happy with how things turned out it was bit unexpected maybe d be er go back and tell you all started fl oati ng through air minding my own business same as any other day really managed avoid being breathed by dog but somebody opened door waft ed upwards disorientated suddenly could see giant pair black holes heading towards hairs like trees raced past thought going stuck on sti cky mucus lining somehow made into another tunnel there were billions us bumping each at this point chance shine though aft isn what oxygen atoms live for help breathe saw some old friends ying way they looked absolutely worn one carbon keeping them company hopefully that will did know only quarter person breathes makes lungs rest is straight luckily whizzed along bronchial tubes down bronchi didn take long reach bronchioles then came dead e...