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File: Paulo Coelho Pilgrimage Pdf 116955 | Philo71 07
acta universitatis sapientiae philologica 7 1 2015 73 81 doi 10 1515 ausp 2015 0037 the pilgrimage as inner and outer journey in paulo coelho s the pilgrimage vilma iren ...

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...Acta universitatis sapientiae philologica doi ausp the pilgrimage as inner and outer journey in paulo coelho s vilma iren mihaly sapientia hungarian university of transylvania miercurea ciuc romania department humanities gote yahoo com abstract he present paper aims at analyzing signilcance occurrence pilgrimages journeys focusing on their form role today postmodern society introductory part presents phenomenon from a theoretical point view that is taking into consideration its possible delnitions e g religious pre hristian christian cultures middle ages to literature core then discusses novel entitled contemporary quest for ancient wisdom which though extremely popular has not yet undergone any signilcant literary analysis shall examine protagonist spiritual perspective human condition questions tries answer also refer relationship between different religions such christianity new age respectively neo pagan movements are product proof pluralism same time keywords have been mankind his...

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