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File: Milestonesguidebookforresidentsfellows
milestones guidebook for residents and fellows celeste eno phd ricardo correa md esd nancy h stewart do jonathan lim md mary elizabeth westerman md eric s holmboe md laura edgar ...

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...Milestones guidebook for residents and fellows celeste eno phd ricardo correa md esd nancy h stewart do jonathan lim mary elizabeth westerman eric s holmboe laura edgar edd accreditation council graduate medical education acgme table of contents section page introduction summary recommendations competency based the ws assessment resident fellow feedback milestone reports available in ads scenarios suggestions other resources welcome to second edition this was written by members development working groups provide learner perspective on what represent how they might be used facilitate progress during residency fellowship training understanding purpose intent behind will help have a background why things are structured way can also learn improve their abilities medicine through constructive coaching key points discussed include important you program subsequent reporting giving receiving sure review your specialty an ongoing basis especially at start each academic year own professional per...

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