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picture1_Journey Out Of The Body Pdf 116829 | Monroe Robert 563

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File: Journey Out Of The Body Pdf 116829 | Monroe Robert 563
robert monroe robert monroe 1915 1995 was an american radio broadcast executive and entrepreneur who became adept in out of body experiences his patented hemi sync technology a means of ...

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...Robert monroe was an american radio broadcast executive and entrepreneur who became adept in out of body experiences his patented hemi sync technology a means inducing such states is the basis consciousness training programs offered at research centre institute tmi he wrote about these activities three books journeys far ultimate journey background allen born october lexington kentucky usa father college professor travel mother doctor parents freely allowed him to pursue interests which included music drama trains cars aircraft later expressed gratitude that had not given strict religious indoctrination would have been obstacle explorations took pre med courses ohio state switched mechanical engineering then dropped aged seventeen turned hobo s life hitching rides on odd jobs including short stint as newspaper reporter after year returned re entered where worked station partnered with first wife brief venture running theatre company university experience landed job writer cleveland ano...

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