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File: Journey Of The Magi Pdf 116763 | 1fcabd0f20804ff5b43a824bb08e015c
journey of the magi by t s eliot t s eliot 1888 1965 thomas stearns eliot was an american born british poet essayist publisher playwright literary critic and editor born ...

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...Journey of the magi by t s eliot thomas stearns was an american born british poet essayist publisher playwright literary critic and editor on th september in st louis missouri us to a prominent boston family through his series critical essays shattered old orthodoxies built new ones tradition individual talent hamlet problems poetry drama he would experiment diction style versification which strengthens english relation is important theme that floats over discusses its connection with modern age attacked moral degeneration war uncertainity extensively uses intertextuality specially biblical allusions references winner nobel prize literature movement modernism major works love song j alfred prufrock waste land murder cathedral cocktail party etc poem overview line written free verse one five poems contributed for pamphlets related christmas several authors collectively titled ariel shortly after conversion anglican faith accordingly allegorical dramatic monologue inhabits voice three wi...

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