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picture1_2spanish Mystics

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File: 2spanish Mystics
teresa de avila mother of souls this light guided me john of the cross join us on mother s day for tea and teresa saint teresa of avila also called ...

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...Teresa de avila mother of souls this light guided me john the cross join us on s day for tea and saint also called jesus baptized as pentecost we turn to st sanchez cepeda y ahumada was a prominent spanish mystic master poet writer during golden age carmelite nun contemporary literature became monk in worked with reforming order which had helped reform he become lax lost its way imprisoned endured persecution his efforts has been book interior castle is widely treasured classic compared such great writers augustine thomas aquinas mystical writing part renaissance known poetry our discussion will tour guide through prayer using metaphor utilize own written commentary poem dark night mansions like she deals spiritual quest unity chose term describe journey soul from god what refers th mansion among darkness purified union value perspective entitled grapples man relationship explores subjects honor talk may at pm ll reflect failings including pride avarice envy it considers afflictions pa...

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