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First & Last Name: ____________________________________ Teacher: _____________________ Library & Technology PARP Project Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane BINGO How to Play: 1. Put your FIRST AND LAST NAME on this BINGO card. Do not lose it! You will need it for Library and Technology! 2. Visit at least 4 different stations. Get your BINGO card initialed by the Mrs. Nerkizian or Ms. Eyer. Hop Like a Rabbit Craft a Set of Rabbit About the Author Read Knuffle Bunny Ears Kate DiCamillo Read My Friend Learn about Make a Book Corner Pick A Reading Rabbit or Duck Pet Rabbits Partner (PARP) Rabbit with a ‘PARP’ner Use Pic Collage Make a Wanted Build a Lego Rabbit Flipgrid Poster Write a Story Scratch JR/Scratch Your Choice! Draw a Rabbit Station Description Craft a Set of Rabbit Ears Make yourself a set of rabbit ears! Do your best with the materials provided. Draw a Rabbit Draw a bunny following these easy peasy directions. Read Knuffle Bunny Read Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems. Like Edward, Knuffle Bunny gets misplaced. Draw a place where Trixie misplaces Knuffle Bunny. Scratch Jr (K-1) or Scratch Create a new project and save it with your name + (Grade 2) teacher’s initials. Add a background and choose a rabbit sprite, program it to move. Show a favorite part from the book. Write a Story Create a 3 - 6 panel storyboard that shows a conversation between you and another character who has found Edward on the garbage heap. Make a Book Corner Make a book corner bunny! Watch the “How-To” video here. Hop Like a Rabbit Let’s hop like a bunny 10 times to get warmed up for the challenge! Wanted Poster Pretend you are Edward Tulane. Create a wanted poster for a new home and a new owner. What type of home do you think Edward would prefer since he doesn’t like living with Abilene? Read My Friend Rabbit or Read My Friend Rabbit by Eric Rohmann and or Duck Duck Rabbit with a Rabbit by Amy Krouse Rosenthal with a ‘PARP’ner. ‘PARP’ner. Use Pic Collage Using an iPad, take a group photo with friends. Using the Doodle feature, turn each person into a rabbit by drawing bunny ears, a nose, and whiskers. Add any other important details from the book. Pick A Reading Partner Find the WOS & CLE Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane webpage. If you are behind with any of the readings for this book, read them now. Build a Lego Rabbit Watch Lego Rabbit Building Instructions. Create your version of a rabbit using the available lego materials. Be creative during your journey. About the Author Read the About Kate and Books pages on her website. What are 3 new facts that you learned about the author? What is one Kate DiCamillo book that you might want to read next? Add a post on the Kate DiCamillo Padlet page. Learn about Pet Rabbits Login to PebbleGO to learn about pet rabbits. ● Site username: wos ● Site password: school Challenge yourself with the “Rabbit Crossword Puzzle” Your Choice Come up with your own activity that relates to Edward Tulane. You MUST share your idea with a teacher first! Flipgrid Celebrate reading ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’! Log into #SOCESReadtoThem to share your favorite part of the story. Read a quote from the book and tell the community of readers why it was your favorite part. https://flipgrid.com/d5c5e728
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