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picture1_Business Spread Sheet 10419 | Template Notfeelingwell | Flyer Template Word

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File: Business Spread Sheet 10419 | Template Notfeelingwell | Flyer Template Word
if you are not feeling well coordinate efforts with your local health department before distributing this letter or e mail communication to ensure that all information is timely relevant and ...

icon picture DOC Filetype Word DOC | Posted on 01 Jul 2022 | 3 years ago
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...If you are not feeling well coordinate efforts with your local health department before distributing this letter or e mail communication to ensure that all information is timely relevant and accurate visit www flu gov plan workplaceplanning toolkit html download customize a microsoft word version of view more share employees consider customizing by using business stationery template inserting name contact someone can reach for questions adding the signature line owner president etc do have fever chills cough sore throat yes may symptoms include in addition runny nose body aches headache tiredness diarrhea vomiting please come work sick centers disease control prevention cdc recommend stay home they like illness until at least hours after free degrees fahrenheit celsius signs feel very warm flushed appearance sweating should be determined without use reducing medicines any medicine contains ibuprofen acetaminophen higher risk complications from care provider as soon possible children yo...

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