File: Report Pdf 116097 | Cardiacanesthesiamaderidiculouslysimple
cardiac anesthesiology made ridiculously simple by art wallace m d ph d cardiac surgery is a dangerous and complex field of medicine with significant morbidity and mortality quality anesthetic care ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Cardiac anesthesiology made ridiculously simple by art wallace m d ph surgery is a dangerous and complex field of medicine with significant morbidity mortality quality anesthetic care specific attention to detail can greatly enhance patient safety outcome details that are ignored lead disaster this document will attempt describe the bare bones sequence for anesthesia adult cabg valve procedures recommendations it not all inclusive or definitive but minimal critical requirements if you keep your head screwed on very tightly pay at times things only go poorly some time good reference practice frederick hensley donald martin little brown handbook examination evaluation must include history cath report thallium echo ecg information includes left main disease equivalent poor distal targets ejection fraction lvedp presence aneurysm pulmonary hypertension valvular lesions congenital each these points requires modification technique required how their angina manifest need be able understand ve...