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picture1_Alagappan Pdf 115975 | 13081201

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File: Alagappan Pdf 115975 | 13081201
progress in electromagnetics research b vol 55 169 194 2013 slow scale maxwell bloch equations for active photonic crystals gandhi alagappan department of electronics and photonics institute of high perfor ...

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...Progress in electromagnetics research b vol slow scale maxwell bloch equations for active photonic crystals gandhi alagappan department of electronics and photonics institute high perfor mance computing agency science technology a star fusionopolis way connexis singapore abstract we present theory to describe the transient steady state behaviors modes crystal with constituents using couple mode model showed that full vectorial describing physics light matter interaction can be written as system integro dierential method moments mean value theorem transformed set time spatial scales refers duration distance is much longer than optical period lattice constant reduce nonlinear matrix eigenvalue problem from which obtained by an iterative cases where coupling between are negligible behavior one dimensional coordinate expressed simple analytical expressions introduction photoniccrystals pcs withactiveconstituentshave profound applications such ultrafast low threshold lasers implementation s...

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