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picture1_Medicine Pdf 115716 | Fm Shelf Exam Review 1

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File: Medicine Pdf 115716 | Fm Shelf Exam Review 1
nbme shelf exam review thanks to the university of cincinnati department of family and community medicine fm clerkship and florida atlantic university college of medicine family medicine clerkship for this ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Nbme shelf exam review thanks to the university of cincinnati department family and community medicine fm clerkship florida atlantic college for this content modular questions o core on anything related chronic care management patients with medical conditions musculoskeletal time hours minutes age breakdown childhood adolescence adulthood geriatric organ systems immunologic blood forming organs mental disorders nervous system special senses cardiovascular respiratory nutrition digestive gynecologic renal urinary male reproductive pregnancy childbirth puerperium skin subcutaneous tissue connective endocrine metabolic physician task health maintenance understanding mechanism disease establishing a diagnosis applying principles overall mostly outpatient based test stresses few zebras but not worth studying these you either will know it or won t just move study your bread butter topics msk htn dm high chol asthma copd depression anxiety common infections back pain etc only ob usually too d...

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