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picture1_Medicine Pdf 115701 | 605 Ftp

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File: Medicine Pdf 115701 | 605 Ftp
casereport the finger points to the diagnosis george mathew md1 1department of medicine section of hospital medicine division of general medicine emory university school 2 of medicine atlanta georgia valerie ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Casereport the finger points to diagnosis george mathew md department of medicine section hospital division general emory university school atlanta georgia valerie elmalem mark v williams northwestern feinberg chicago illinois disclosure dr is currently an ophthalmology resident at keywords blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome klippel trenaunay weber ktws maffucci ammeus osler rendu a year old man presented emergency room with which characterized by cutane month history bright red blood per rectum and increas ous malformations capillary venous systems bony ing fatigue review was signicant for intermit andsofttissue hypertrophy arteriovenous tent hematuria swelling pain in his lower extremities avms many patients suffer recurrent bleeding he denied abdominal nausea or vomiting fromgastrointestinal otherwise asymptomatic not taking any medicines although involvement usually unilateral this patient said that has had problem on off bilateral limb hemangiomas since child chronic intermittent rec...

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