File: Davidson Medicine Pdf 115567 | Robert Hester
hometown murfreesboro tn undergraduate davidson college medical school university of tennessee health science center college of medicine residency baylor college of medicine what are your career goals i have a ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Hometown murfreesboro tn undergraduate davidson college medical school university of tennessee health science center medicine residency baylor what are your career goals i have a master s in public care administration one day d like to be oncology director and or leader whether that at an academic nonprofit agency such as asco private entity however for now want focus on caring patients become the best oncologist can why did you choose md anderson my special track rotates heavily loved it from start love people culture is very uplifting inspiring place how has helped achieving cofellows all so incredibly impressive really pushed me get most out this year experience faculty staff supportive do about fellowship program world renowned research institution but still clinical especially with lbj clinics feel education will second none living houston much good food nice weather except summer affordable surprised diverse there outside run when also am into music arts...