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File: Medicine Pdf 115469 | S0092 8674(13)01092 1
leading edge essay distilling pathophysiology from complex disease genetics 1 2 3 aravinda chakravarti andrew g clark and vamsi k mootha 1 johns hopkins university school of medicine baltimore md ...

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...Leading edge essay distilling pathophysiology from complex disease genetics aravinda chakravarti andrew g clark and vamsi k mootha johns hopkins university school of medicine baltimore md usa cornell ithaca ny massachusetts general hospital boston ma correspondence jhmi edu http dx doi org j cell technologies for genome wide sequence interrogation have dramatically improved our ability to identify loci associated with complexhumandisease however achasmremainsbetweencorrela tionsandcausalitythatstems inpart fromalimitingtheoreticalframeworkderivedfrommendelian geneticsandanincompleteunderstandingofdiseasephysiology hereweproposeasetofcriteria akin koch s postulates infectious assigning causality between genetic variants andhumandiseasephenotypes thus it is easy prove that the wearing tall hats carrying incorrect knowledge worse than no umbrellas enlarges chest prolongs life confers comparative immunity at all brown goldstein statistics show classes which use these articles are bigger he...

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