the center for teaching and learning special education edse 495 490 practicum cooperative education practicum instructor office phone e mail office hours course materials student s individual special education portfolio ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...The center for teaching and learning special education edse practicum cooperative instructor office phone e mail hours course materials student s individual portfolio at cwu a handbook current edition description prerequisites all core classes full admission to teacher program practical experience with children having behavioral or physical disabilities using behavior management techniques in an effort bring child up maximum potential as determined by his her flexibility sociality capacity grade will be u individualized contracted field business industry government social service agencies this contractual arrangement involves plan cooperating employer supervision faculty coordination prior approval required may repeated information equivalent are order obtain endorsement purpose of is increase broaden opportunities application critical competencies based educational settings where services being provided refer specific requirements applications placements note available only individual...