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File: Education
syllabus of three year degree course in education hons education honours part i paper i philosophical foundation of education and contribution of great educators course objectives 1 to understand the ...

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...Syllabus of three year degree course in education hons honours part i paper philosophical foundation and contribution great educators objectives to understand the meaning aims functions role relation between philosophy be acquainted with indian western schools their impact on groupa modulei approximate lecture hours concept modern special reference delor s commission unesco child centric life scope educationindividual social perspective for human resource development as propagation values moduleii influence idealism naturalism pragmatism basic features a vedic sankhya yoga nyaya b nonvedic charvak buddhist jain total lect no broad question from this portion group module rousseau froebel montessori bertard russell ii dewey rabindranath tagore vivekananda references aggarwal j c theory principles sociological bases banerjee chakraborty kundu majumder theories mukherjee k some world munro history purkait r bengali books sushil ray shiksha tatta arun ghosh darshan bibhuranjan guha shikshay...

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