International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Special Issue Volume 1 Issue 1, 2011 Revisiting the critiques of Ivan Illich’s Deschooling Society Jon Igelmo Zaldivar Universidad Complutense de Madrid Abstract attention to Illich’s Deschooling Society. However, this effort has not been accompanied by debates in Late in 1970, Harper and Row Publishers Inc. major academic journals. Consequently, works started working on the first edition of Illich’s published in the early 1970’s in American and Deschooling Society in New York. In the spring of French journals, such as Saturday Review, Social 1971 the book reached the ...
3/30/2017's Article.nsf Deschooling Society Professor Tan Sri Dato' Dzulkifli Abd Razak Comment New Sunday Times 07/11/2010 THE issue of the possible abolishment of examinations will be the subject of roundtable talks soon. This is indeed refreshing as the debate is long overdue. But we must first examine the context of the discussion. SMK Sekysen 24 Shah Alam students during their SPM examination Almost 40 years ago, Ivan Illich broached the subject in Deschooling Society (1971) where he made a profound observation about what modernday " ...
Ivan Illich Deschooling Society A review Introduction Ivan Illich, who died in 2002, wrote this ground-breaking book in 1971. In the modern world at large I suspect his message has not been heeded at all - at least not on any visible, national-level scale. In the UK at the moment far from de-schooling we are seeing an extraordinary increase in the schooling of society. The absurdities of what Illich would call credentialed education were recently highlighted by a story in the press about a Youth Programme in Bury giving youngsters a certificate from the awarding body AQQ for catching a ...