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picture1_Teaching Methodology Pdf 113855 | Factors Affecting Teacher Retention   Qualitative Investigation

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File: Teaching Methodology Pdf 113855 | Factors Affecting Teacher Retention Qualitative Investigation
factors affecting teacher retention qualitative investigation research report march 2018 coopergibson research contents list of tables 4 executive summary 5 introduction 5 key findings 6 reasons for leaving teaching 6 ...

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...Factors affecting teacher retention qualitative investigation research report march coopergibson contents list of tables executive summary introduction key findings reasons for leaving teaching possible solutions offered by interview participants reactions to discussion prompts likelihood returning methodology phase one two expectations becoming a impressions the role workload stress and ill health school leadership policy approaches enforcement inflexible policies government professional development pay making decision leave considerations concerns when deciding comparison with new job career incentives remain in or return potential supporting teachers improving support greater focus on reducing at level improved working conditions recognition autonomy response system first five years eliminating unnecessary trimmed down post still profession actively conclusions experiences early encouraging stay suggested feedback table sample breakdown subject group length service...

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