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...Atmos chem phys atmospheric www net chemistry doi acp author s cc attribution license andphysics organic aerosol components observed in northern hemispheric datasets from mass spectrometry n l ng m r canagaratna q zhang j jimenez tian i ulbrich h kroll k docherty p chhabra bahreini murphy seinfeld hildebrandt donahue f decarlo v a lanz prevot e dinar y rudich and d worsnop aerodyne research inc billerica ma usa sciences center state university of new york albany ny cires colorado boulder co department biochemistry civil environmental engineering massachusetts institute technology cambridge chemical california pasadena ca noaa earthsystemresearchlaboratory for particle studies carnegie mellon pittsburgh pa oceanic science laboratory paul scherrer institut villigen switzerland weizmann rehovot israel nowat toxicology davis received november published discuss december revised april accepted may abstract this study we compile present results ponent spectrum lower ratio z to the factor anal...