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picture1_Education Pdf 113647 | Me 2 3applied Science

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File: Education Pdf 113647 | Me 2 3applied Science
applied science mechanical group course code maharashtra state board of technical education msbte i scheme ii semester course curriculum course title applied science ae ce fg me pt course code ...

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...Applied science mechanical group course code maharashtra state board of technical education msbte i scheme ii semester curriculum title ae ce fg me pt diploma programme in which this is offered automobile production civil fabrication second technology and erection engineering rationale engineers have to deal with various materials machines the study concepts principles like elasticity viscosity surface tension motion thermo couples photo sensors lasers x rays metals alloys cement lime refractory water treatment analysis fuel combustion will help student select use relevant methods be economical eco friendly competency aim attain following industry identified through teaching learning experiences solve broad based problems using advanced physics chemistry outcomes cos theory practical soft skills associated are taught implemented so that demonstrates oriented above mentioned a material by analyzing its physical properties b apply laws applications c electric d metallurgical process rela...

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