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File: Education Pdf 113474 | L3 Sem Iii Ncte 23 4 1
dr rachna pathak l3 associate professor department of education n a s college meerut semester iii paper oc12a issues and concerns in secondary and higher secondary education unit ii recommendations ...

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...Dr rachna pathak l associate professor department of education n a s college meerut semester iii paper oca issues and concerns in secondary higher unit ii recommendations institutions for various commissions committees concerning india role functions networking like ugc ncert ncte nuepa scert national council teacher about the its previous status since was an advisory body central state governments on all matters pertaining to with secretariat educational research training despite commendable work academic fields it could not perform essential regulatory ensure maintenance standards preventing proliferation substandard policy npe programme action there under envisaged statutory necessary resources as first step overhauling system came into existence pursuance act no th august divisions structure division relates different aiming at strengthening activities programmes teps conducted teis provides leadership field coordinates types effective implementation objectives coordinate develop c...

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