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picture1_Education Pdf 113083 | Cie006

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File: Education Pdf 113083 | Cie006
quadrant i e text details of module and its structure module detail subject name education course name contemporary indian education course code edu501 module name title educational thoughts and practices ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Quadrant i e text details of module and its structure detail subject name education course contemporary indian code edu title educational thoughts practices critical reflections on mahatma gandhi with respect to the relevance in present system cie pre requisites study this students need have previous knowledge about contributions learning outcome after going through lesson learners will be able reflect different values according s philosophy establish relationship between his diverse critically analyse ideals their practical aspect keywords basic nai taleem development team role affiliation principal investigator dr k bawa central university pi punjab bathinda matter expert shiva shukla sme contents ahimsa satyagraha sarvoday gram swaraj swadeshi wardha scheme buniyadi shiksha meaning aims curriculum teaching methods discipline child centered self sufficiency politics women co craft character building a teacher critique gandhiji today context nd born october mohandas karamchand who led...

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