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Kata-kata yang terdapat di dalam file ini mungkin membantu anda melihat apakah file ini sesuai dengan yang dicari :
...Volume nomor edisi juli issn x uji eksperimental konsumsi bahan bakar mesin berbahan biodiesel minyak kelapa hasil metode kering experimental test on engine fuel consumption using biodesel from coconut oil produced by dry method yesung allo padang dosen jurusan teknik universitas mataram ntb jl majapahit no abstract testing has been conducted in the laboratory of energy conversion mechanical engineering university purpose was to evaluate effect this performance mixed with diesel order obtain there were four combinations ratio namely mkp and mitsubishi l used experiment variating speed rpm torgue load at kg loads varied as result shows that increasing number mixture will reduce be better compare pure specific efective sfce are lower than reduced effective power ps varying also is keywords pendahuluan pemerintah juga telah memberikan perhatian serius untuk pengembangan adalah roh perekonomian nabati biofuel yang dapat diperbaharui sebuah negara sejauh ini sumber utama renewable dengan me...