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File: Education Pdf 112945 | 125967394
advances in social science education and humanities research volume 615 proceedings of the 2021 4th international conference on humanities education and social sciences ichess 2021 the moral education literature review ...

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...Advances in social science education and humanities research volume proceedings of the th international conference on sciences ichess moral literature review its development from past to present jingyi cheng a wen wang b xuerong c monash university melbourne victoria australia beijing normal zhuhai guangdong hong kong china corresponding author email jche student edu mail bnuz cn cxuerong smwc these authors contributed equally abstract broad sense refers all activities that purposefully systematically exert influence members society terms politics ideology morality purpose this study is expose chinese synthesizes paper historical view pros cons across k higher perspective falls heir confucianism synchronously reconciling recent national situation changes are probed universities as highlights limitations each period will be discussed conclusion at introductory it intergrades traditional value meanwhile transfers new era standards different periods schools kindergartens colleges diverse ...

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