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File: Education Pdf 112940 | 125941438
advances in social science education and humanities research volume 443 international conference on science and education and technology iset 2019 the role of vocational education on the advancement of human ...

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...Advances in social science education and humanities research volume international conference on technology iset the role of vocational advancement human development indonesia setiyawami sugiyo universitas negeri semarang setitawami uny ac id sugiyono tri joko rahardjo abstract has a vital that prepares students primarily to work with preparation particular field sudira its most dominant skills graduates who are able willing must be supported by other accordance his expertise usman components such as government policy well yahya is held an component institution form secondary school itself conceptual study post college controlled which discusses techniques or industrial society for results this kuswana focused revealed providing skilled workforce various sectors prepare generation appropriate perindustiran agriculture improve preparing economic afwan good character concludes unique kind passion because it aims develop understanding encouragement high attitudes habits useful also so can ...

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