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File: Education Pdf 112937 | 125937462
advances in social science education and humanities research volume 418 2nd annual civic education conference acec 2019 education for all citizens endang danial iim siti masyitoh sri wahyuni tanshzil civic ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Advances in social science education and humanities research volume nd annual civic conference acec for all citizens endang danial iim siti masyitoh sri wahyuni tanshzil department universitas pendidikan indonesia bandung endangdanial upi edu iimsitimasyitoh sriwahyunitanshzil abstract towards inclusive disabilities to attend regular schools can live like other is declared west java at august children giving them the opportunity socialize with determined by government implementation peers without any obstacles inclusion also of program develops high values so that they are no longer hope mobilize excluded or avoided eliminate stigma reguler organized educational programs disabled however it must be admitted including every disability have a lot potential extracted from person has right sector paths types many figures world motivators born special level develop such as helen keller nick vujicic talents abilities life within family provincial past ten society several years after being so...

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