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File: Education Pdf 112936 | 125937448
advances in social science education and humanities research volume 418 2nd annual civic education conference acec 2019 the function of multicultural education in growing global citizen muh khaedir abdul azis ...

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...Advances in social science education and humanities research volume nd annual civic conference acec the function of multicultural growing global citizen muh khaedir abdul azis wahab department universitas pendidikan indonesia bandung upi edu abdulaziswahab yahoo com abstract this study aims to determine role understood as a worldview which is then manifested fostering political consciousness gives same rights students without existence cultural diversity for indonesian anyone feeling discriminated against by understanding people reality that has become necessity tolerance values modern era it requires skills however not automatically accompanied positive citizens must possess method case acceptance fact many facts show opposite through observation instruments depth interviews phenomenon psychological terms be makassar high school celebes instills value acknowledged awareness society exchanging australia learn something given god s destiny human formation about cultures represent wester...

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