some approaches to co teaching marilyn friend and lynne cook 1996a have presented several approaches to co teaching that provide ways for two teachers to work together in a classroom ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Some approaches to co teaching marilyn friend and lynne cook a have presented several that provide ways for two teachers work together in classroom their videotape b also explains these which are briefly discussed below they include one teach support parallel alternative station team with this model teacher has the primary responsibility planning while other moves around helping individuals observing particular behaviors example could present lesson walks or presents distributes materials advantages of approach students receive individual help timely manner it s easier keep on task because proximity saves time when distributing as process observer supporting can observe behavior not seen by directing walk still continue good practices disadvantages through eyes more control than often relate person aide having during may be distracting begin expect immediate assistance student plan jointly but split half same information at both explaining math problem solving different parts room if h...