educated preferences explaining attitudes toward immigration in europe jens hainmueller and michael j hiscox abstract recent studies of individual attitudes toward immigration emphasize concerns about labor market competition as a ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Educated preferences explaining attitudes toward immigration in europe jens hainmueller and michael j hiscox abstract recent studies of individual emphasize concerns about labor market competition as a potent source anti immigrant senti ment particular among less or skilled citizens who fear being forced to compete for jobs with low immigrants willing work much lower wages we examine new data on available from the european social survey contrast predictions based conventional argu ments which anticipate that individuals will oppose workers similar skills their own but support different skill levels nd people higher educa tion occupational are more likely favor regardless attributes question across education mean all types these relationships almost identical force is those competing not contrary wisdom then connection between views appears have very little if anything do fears this nding consistent extensive economic research show ing income employment effects economies actually small ...