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picture1_Education Pdf 112692 | Pertemuan 2sn0020235

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File: Education Pdf 112692 | Pertemuan 2sn0020235
civic education civic education latar belakang latar belakang perkembangan dan perubahan politik dari otoritarian ke perkembangan dan perubahan politik dari otoritarian ke demokratisasi demokratisasi pendidikan kewarganegaraan sblm reformasi kewiraan tdk ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Civic education latar belakang perkembangan dan perubahan politik dari otoritarian ke demokratisasi pendidikan kewarganegaraan sblm reformasi kewiraan tdk relevan dg semangat karena pola pembelajaran indoktrinatif monolitik muatan materi sarat kepentingan rezim mengabaikan dimensi afeksi psikomotorik perlu rekontruksi reorientasi kewargaan sbg nilai demokrasi perkemb pend di indonesia manipol usdek pancasila uud kemasyarakatan negara hukum moral filsafat sekarang ppkn an istilah the science of citizenship relation man individual to in organized collections his state as it relates school activities has two fold meaning a narrow sense includes only legal status country and closely relate political function voting governmental organization holding office right responsibility involves those teaching that type method student administrative supervisory procedures which may utilize purposively make for better living together democratic way or synonymously develop behaviors is process comprisi...

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