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picture1_Education Pdf 112660 | Sn06798

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File: Education Pdf 112660 | Sn06798
briefing paper number 06798 26 march 2021 the school curriculum in by nerys roberts england contents 1 overview what do schools have to teach 2 the national curriculum in england ...

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...Briefing paper number march the school curriculum in by nerys roberts england contents overview what do schools have to teach national historical background on www parliament uk commons library intranet papers commonslibrary summary is other subjects maintained requirements key stages early years at academies and free personal social health economic education pshe relationships sex state funded during coronavirus pandemic are currently included topics covered each subject withdrawing children from particular scotland wales northern ireland cover page image copyright canon d pencil colour doug licensed under cc cropped must pupils aged approximately old divided into four it includes different but maths sciences english physical computing all don t follow they however offer a broad balanced that covers re primary also take part assessments commonly referred as sats addition for of age rse secondary these apply religious registered content will depend type usually locally agreed syllabus ...

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