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picture1_Learning Pdf 112558 | Di Assessment M1 Reading Assessment

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File: Learning Pdf 112558 | Di Assessment M1 Reading Assessment
differentiated instruction using ongoing assessment to inform instruction module 1 reading types of assessment types of assessment in general the purpose of assessment is to determine as accurately as possible ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Differentiated instruction using ongoing assessment to inform module reading types of in general the purpose is determine as accurately possible what students should know understand and be able do classroom must provide clear information on student progress with regard content processes products this helps teachers make wise informed decisions about needs their direction take there are two main each occurring at different points learning process formative which occurs both before during summative end key segments a cycle or page these assessments also have purposes uses according popham that involves gathering analysis elicited evidence for determining when how adjust instructional activities tactics order achieve goals p achieved through pre type unit study idea sure begins whether formal informal we use data never graded they not just fill purely diagnostic nature grade book it s really assessing readiness important quizzes example attempt find out tests absolutely measure already un...

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