types of non formal education nfe can be distinguished by reference to their relationship with the formal school and college system these are paranormal education popular education education for personal ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Types of non formal education nfe can be distinguished by reference to their relationship with the school and college system these are paranormal popular for personal development professional training they constitute four relatively autonomous segments within educational field which differ from each other because respond different needs serve clienteles being organized agencies above all have relationships here is simply any organised activity outside mainstream whether or not graded hierarchically structured issue activities in sectors may well share same characteristics so on point that supplementary some cases alternative first important area composed kinds programmes provide a substitute regular full time schooling main objective offer second chance t o those who various reasons could benefit at ordained moment includes evening classes official literacy distance etc only condensed form f u l day while others more flexible innovative design implementation central this segment guaran...