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picture1_Education Pdf 112521 | Valentine53

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File: Education Pdf 112521 | Valentine53
distance learning promises problems and possibilities doug valentine university of oklahoma sottovoce7 aol com introduction distance learning and its relationship to emerging computer technologies have together offered many promises to ...

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...Distance learning promises problems and possibilities doug valentine university of oklahoma sottovoce aol com introduction its relationship to emerging computer technologies have together offered many the field education in practice however combination often falls short what it attempts accomplish some shortcomings are due with technology others more do administration instructional methods or students despite users like such as compressed video see continued growth area this paper will examine current research thought on future modern particularly types that delivered via electronic means history before any discussion we need look at way term has been defined past how is currently literature can be used describe a number situations although new around for well over years one earlier forms was done through correspondence courses started europe stayed primary until middle century when radio television became popular imel changed so definition videotaped lectures standard professional las...

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